Monday, October 4, 2010

On the Verge...

...can mean many, many things.

On the verge of collapse.
On the verge of a breakdown.
On the verge of a sugar crash.


That's where we are tonight. Too many lemon bars, two glasses of O.J., reading this and laughing myself into a ball on the floor. It's kind of all of the above, just not as negative as we usually attribute the phrase. Productive day, but more on that later, 'cause it wasn't so productive that I feel like being MORE productive and telling you all about it (that's a sign of a bitterly lazy day or an overly active day), so I'm just going to go watch some Bleach for a few hour...episodes...and then go to bed. Or lie in bed and think that I'm no longer sick of lemon bars and go eat some more.
