Tuesday, September 28, 2010


New rants.

Rants make sense, if you want organized, symmetrical blog posts with helpful, to-the-point info: Google it.

Anyways, there once was a blog that went on for pages and pages and the content fluctuated from one thing to the next without a thread of sanity. It started as chaos and ended as chaos, and burned itself out. But chaos and order both leave things behind, and they both start new cycles. It is the purpose of order, and the consequence of chaos.

This is something born from that chaos.

Some things however, never change. The title of this blog is something you'll be familiar with if you've heard VNV Nation's Further in it's live form. It is a song about living further. I'm writing this while I can't sleep, and I'm still drinking tea and wondering how I ended up in this situation (the awake and unproductive tea-drinking situation, not the blogging situation).

But hopefully the length of the posts will change. No more three page essays on the meaning of shoes at 3AM after being awake for five days. Maybe some long posts later, but not tonight. Tonight is explanation and contemplation.

What is living further? I wanted to when I killed the old blog, and I changed myself in an attempt. But what exactly was I expecting to accomplish? I know some of what I was hoping for, of what I still hope for. I want to be a never-ending light, in the most basic rudimentary form of the meaning. Light reveals. I want to reveal everything, I want to be able to see everything, and I don't expect to understand it all, but I will never come close to understanding anything if I can't see it.

So that's the plan. Light the world. You and me. Any day. (Random reference? It's Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog...told you somethings never change.)

So. What's the deal, aye?

-J. H. Maximus

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